Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kill Order #?

(I received this info via email from Jim Humble, the person who put together a formula of MMS, or Miracle Mineral Supplement . . . now, many people may consider him to be on the edge with his views when they look at many of his spiritual or other beliefs, but I have taken MMS in the past on a regular basis, and it cleared up a lot of nagging health issues for me . . . MMS can be obtained for pennies, if even that, per dose . . . there are people in the world that are supposedly using MMS to treat many very serious diseases, including cancer, with very positive results, according to them . . . I do not advocate that anyone else even try MMS, but that they might want to investigate it further and decide for themselves . . . the reason for this post is to illustrate that there seems to be a LOT of high level death threats coming straight from the White House these days . . . are they just to chill with fear, or do they mean it?? . . . OR, [this is for the shills] maybe he is just selling his latest e-book?? The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium)



I have just learned from a highly reliable source that the FBI now has a kill order on Jim Humble. That’s me. I wish I could say that the Government source isn’t very reliable, but this source has proven to be very reliable up to this time. Several plans were to be considered including having me invited to a country in Asia and there I would have an accident. The other possibility was that I could have an accident here in the Dominican Republic, but that would be a less likely plan. But remember, when Obama says kill, that's what they do. It doesn't matter if they are guilty or not.

Why not? They kidnapped my friend, Greg Caton, from Ecuador and brought him back to prison after Ecuador had given him political asylum. It was in the newspaper about a year ago. Check it out for yourself. Search for "Greg Canton Kidnapped" in Google search. I have another friend in prison for healing people and another one, with his legs blown off for healing people. There is a list of 160 scientists who have made inventions that would aid mankind in one way or another who have died violent deaths in the past 20 years. That isn’t my idea. Check it out on the internet. I don’t care if you believe in conspiracy theories or not; just be willing to read. It’s all there.

The reason I am telling you this is, so that when I come up missing or come up dead you will know what has really happened. And of course, you probably already know that should my death occur, all my books and other materials on MMS become public domain. That is already written into my copyright. Hopefully then, people who knew me or of me will print my books, mainly the last one, and hand them out wholesale until everyone on the planet has one.

I know that there are many of you that are not accustomed to this sort of thing, but on the other hand I have gotten letters from time to time that show that there are many people who do know the score. And the score is, that there are people in this world who are beginning to lose money because of MMS. That, of course is, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, clinics, doctors, and a host of related industries. They aren’t too worried about a few million dollars of losses now, but they are looking at the huge loss that will soon be happening when MMS becomes popular. We all know that, “the love of money”, is one of the main reasons for the world’s problems.

Of course, it is a little late for them to do anything now with more than 8 million people having used MMS and with thousands of web sites and with thousands of MMS success stories posted all over the world. But still, if they could say I disappeared and then if they put some poisoned MMS out without me to oppose them they might make some of their lies stick. Remember, for every cancer patient that they convince that MMS doesn’t work they make $800,000 dollars for the cancer industry. A similar story exists for malaria the worst disease of mankind and many other diseases.

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
