Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Part Two - Lady Gaga and the Sign of Jonah

The Open Scroll Blog

15 Mar 2011

As I wrote in Part One, Lady Gaga's red carpet entrance at the 2011 Grammy Awards was more than just a publicity stunt, it was a magickal ceremony performed in a continuing effort to bring forth the antichrist Beast and his transforming mark, in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. I already presented the explanation for the ritual as given through her Creative Director and her unspoken testimony during the Jay Leno show that this was witchcraft. These things you're witnessing are signs in the earth, the fulfilment of what Jesus declared would come, providing insight, confirmation and comfort for those of us who are faithfully watching as this age draws more and more rapidly to a dramatic close.

That this new race is antichrist may be gleaned from the references to Christ's crucifixion, burial and resurrection in the wooden cross structure on which the vessel was borne and the three days Lady Gaga was in the vessel as a tomb. Lady Gaga established a connection to Christ's conception with reference to immaculate conception when she shared her experience of writing the song, Born This Way. Her repeated mention of church while giving knowing glances at the camera makes it very clear that the birth or rebirth is a counter-church experience, a born-again-from-below transformation that is counter to the true anointing, life and coming resurrection.

I wrote ['Born This Way'] in 10 f—ing minutes. And it is a completely magical message song. And after I wrote it, the gates just opened, and the songs kept coming. It was like an immaculate conception.
- Lady Gaga, Our Lady of Pop, Vogue Magazine

The theme of Immaculate Conception was reinforced by the clothing worn during the Grammy Award entrance and performance. Lady Gaga claimed that she designed it herself and that it was condom inspired. This is not about "safe sex." What it testifies is that the race being birthed was not sired by a human because the members of her troupe were all clothed in condoms. The race birthed is conceived like the song, supernaturally, by a god.

Was her language as quoted above merely figurative? If we accept her testimony, the songs came through gates from the supernatural realm, following the completely magical message song. There is considerable precedent for such and no reason to doubt the veracity of what she said!

So, is she the Beast or has she now become one of his kind? No, not really, but what she has done modeled and advanced his coming forth in a way very similar to what is done during such ceremonies accompanying the Olympics, World Cup football and the Commonwealth Games recently held in Delhi. These are all variations on a theme that, for us, are signs in the earth.

If you simply watch the video of the Grammy Award performance and the music video for the featured song it's pretty obvious that she is as the queen mother Isis, Mary Queen of Heaven and a new Eve - Mother Monster. The race brought forth is Horus/Apollo and Antichrist, a progenitor who is not according to Adam but rather the first born of Eve who was sired by the Serpent, Cain.

The imagery of Lady Gaga's emergence was the focus of dramatic attention. What was presented to the main viewing audience was a view of the being that had incubated inside the vessel, framed by an arched portal. This resembles the royal arch of Freemasonry to signal the same thing, the dimensional portal through which the gods and those who join with them must pass. It's the Gateway to High Falls, as you may recall. Her songs had already come through, and she, emerging through the portal, came through to enact the "completely magical message" of the song.

This new hybrid race starts out as human but undergoes a DNA transformation in the joining with the gods. The ladder structure of the DNA is what the cross/ladder structure symbolized that was used to carry the incubating goddess into the Grammy Awards. Lady Gaga's Creative Director, Laurieann Gibson, explains the appearance of the vessel-bearers/pallbearers. "Well they're in a transitional stage. Once they get backstage they will have to be incubated in order to have their DNA fully desaturated and filled so that they will become part of the new race." According to the excessively redundant testimony coming forth, this is the process through which a third strand will be spliced into our double strand DNA.

We have been told that the DNA transformation took place by incubating a person in a vessel. When interviewers called the egg-like container an egg, correction was always offered about it actually being a vessel. We were also told that the vessel had a controlled environment with oxygen. What they mean by all this may be discerned with the Lord's help. Here are The American Heritage® Dictionary meanings for "vessel" and "incubation."

Full article HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
