Sunday, January 16, 2011

It Can’t Happen Here?

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

It can’t happen here…. can it? I mean America is a Christian nation and there are churches on practically every corner…

Surely we won’t see food shortages, or rioting in the streets, or the economic chaos that is rampant in Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland.

Those 7.0 earthquakes are happening in other places, over there!

This isn’t the end times and the rebirth of Israel has nothing to do with anything.

It’s the coldest winter that I can remember but it’s just the natural order of things…

America is a land that has had over 50 million abortions since Roe v. Wade. The lives of 50 million innocent babies were snuffed out in what I believe was a modern-day Luciferian, ritualistic sacrifice. All occult activities demand a blood sacrifice and the blood of these innocent ones cry out. Our nation is cursed. We have allowed the unthinkable to happen and we have grown more interested in building bigger and better churches than stopping the holocaust of the unborn. We are a nation that is lulled to sleep by the sophomoric entertainment that is readily available 24 hours a day on the boob-tube. We shop at COSCO and we believe that we have an endless supply of food and water. We sit in air-conditioned churches, showered and perfumed with clean clothes and a full belly and don’t think for a second that this is anything but normal. We go to movies and watch some of the most degrading, violent, pornographic, films that a few decades ago would have had people protesting in the streets.

Our youth know more about Nostradamus and the Mayan 2012 calendar then they do about Ezekiel and the Book of Revelation.

It’s already happened here folks. The shift has happened and we are no longer a “christian nation.” This week we had a moment of silence for the victims of the Arizona shooting. No one prayed, not a word was uttered, just a nice, politically correct, powerless, wimpy, do-nothing moment of silence. Shame on us!

We are told about the days in which we are living. We have been warned of what is coming on the earth by Jesus himself. While the natural man or women assures us that everything is OK, and it’s business as usual, those of us who have studied, to show ourselves approved, think differently.

Last night on the History Channel’s program, Decoded, they had a show on the End of the World. They focused on Nostradamus and you guessed it, the Mayan prophecies. What folks need to understand, and I address this in my new book, The Cosmic Chess Match, is that the Mayans engaged in human sacrifice and Nostradamus used the occult method of scrying to get his so-called prophecies! Need I say more? They also made a big deal about the Web bot, with its 90% accuracy. The show mentioned what the Bible said about prophecy, but in a cursory manner. We are told that only God knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning and the prophecies that are from him are 100% accurate.

It’s happening here, all around us. Think I’m over reacting? Scroll down and look at just some of the stories that I linked today. Business as usual? The signs are everywhere, wake up!

Full article HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
