Friday, January 14, 2011

Ever Learning And Never Able To Come To The Knowledge Of The Truth, Transhumanists Say There Is "Middle Ground" For Altering What It Means To Be Human

(in these demons' minds, any humans who are not part of the "singularity" will at least be fortunate to have the same rights and privileges as apes . . .)

With an appreciation for these possible injustices, James Hughes has outlined the importance of “democratic transhumanism.” He predicts a happy future, in which, united by their common personhood, humans, chimps, and posthumans would have common rights and protections. As Agar notes, however, it is unclear how this moral epiphany about the importance of common personhood would be obtained. Chimps and great apes today are denied political participation and protection, and even animal-rights activists prioritize human welfare over animal welfare in lifeboat situations or other hard cases. There is much to admire in Humanity’s End. Agar argues strenuously and analytically for the precautionary principle without falling back on arguments about “playing God” or mystical assertions about what is natural or what the essential nature of humanity might be.

Link to source article HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
