Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Mystery of the Iniquity

Yet ANOTHER Nickelodeon Illuminati-themed program hits America…

I know most people out there haven’t a clue what this is referenced to so I do my best to explain. The Anubis is a Greek name for a jackal-headed god. He is known as Inpu, Anup, Anpu, and Lenpw. The oldest mention is from the pyramid texts. Anubis was the god of the dead but was replaced by Osiris. They supposedly had sovereignty over the soul. He was Lord of the Underworld. He was the son of Ra.

Ancient Egyptian gods came back to Earth. The creatures were said to have the appearances of the Anubis. Many believe this Anubis are from Sirius and these are the same as the Annunaki.
In Freemasonry, the worship the gods of Sirius. This is why they put up the giant Anubis in the Denver Airport, and use this symbolism in many other places as well. It carries the implications of their gods, the Ascended Masters, who of course has a leader called Satan/Lucifer.

Many know the media has been forsaken to the elite and their minions. There is no news given without their knowledge on TV, Radio, or elsewhere unless it is underground news. One of the ‘programming’ entities they own and use to train the children is Nickelodeon. There are many programs that reveal their symbols. This practice goes back as far as you want to investigate. They mentally install this symbolism for it to be easily accepted once they become adults.
A new program called, “House of Anubis” is being aired in Belgium and the Netherlands. It is due to air here in the United States for the first time in January of 2011. OH…WANT to guess the DATE? The 11th of course! Trailer for this program is listed at the end of the article.

You will notice this:

Hiding one eye-is a signal for a person who is in control of the elite.
This sign is yet another symbol of the occult.

And of course, we have the LOGO for the program. I say program instead of show for it is but programming of the mind. Stylized “ALL-SEEING EYE”, derived from the Eye of Horus which all goes hand in hand to the ancients.

http://anubis.nickelodeon.nl/anubis_4/site/nl/ -website in Germany (also reveals the Anubis Game)

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
