Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dick Cheney sticks nose in KY Senate race to back Rand Paul’s NeoCon opponent

(okay, something just dawned on me with a little more clarity . . . people, including myself, wonder what we can do about the trouble we are in, with it seeming hopeless to try to do anything that will make a difference, so why even try? . . . why not just hunker down and do the best we can, because there is nothing we can do? . . .

. . . well, the rhetoric from Grayson and Cheney in the Ky Senate race just may work, because there are SO many people who are still stuck in the Right-Left paradigm/Republicrats, so many who have no clue as to Cheney himself, 911, the War On Terror, the Drug War, the banksters, the mind-control propaganda we call the news, and the list goes on and on and on. . .

regarding the banksters and this race, AIG, recipients of over $180 billion of YOUR money, IS FUNDING GRAYSON'S CAMPAIGN!!!

[] . . .

. . . it remains to me that currently the most effective way for anyone who wants to try to defeat this evil is to continue to educate people, at the risk of sounding like and being called kooky, at the risk of being targeted by who-knows who . . . you do not have to go out and convince people with words . .. you can watch films that are made by true patriots who are trying to help us understand, and find one or two that you feel are effective, then burn copies and randomly pass them out . . you can make fliers and pass them out anonymously, etc . . .it will definitely be a long, hard road, and most will not see the ultimate results, but it is one of the only ways we have of trying to provide a livable world for our descendants . . .

. . . of course, my rant assumes that the reader agrees that we-the-sheeple are under complete attack, and that "they" are winning . . . will you join me in trying to fight the info-war?

Mr Negative)

Andrew Steele
America 20xy
Friday, March 26, 2010

On Trey Grayson’s campaign site today is a quote from former Vice President Dick Cheney:

“I’m a lifelong conservative, and I can tell the real thing when I see it. I have looked at the records of both candidates in the race, and it is clear to me that Trey Grayson is right on the issues that matter – both on fiscal responsibility and on national security.”

Indeed, Cheney– the man who helped construct the lies that sold the Iraq War, who endorses perpetual conflict and endless spending in order to maintain over 700 military bases overseas, and who still delusionally calls himself a “conservative”– came out in support of Trey Grayson, one of Rand Paul’s primary opponents.

As odd as it might seem that in modern America Dick Cheney, (or anyone from the Bush administration), might still have any credibility left to anyone after the ruinous legacy that they left behind, the Grayson campaign has proudly seized the endorsement, attempting to paint Rand Paul as weak on terrorism in the same way that the Neocon establishment tried to do to his father during the 2008 presidential election.

Last week Grayson’s campaign released an ad that stated:

“Paul thinks it’s not a problem if Iran has a nuclear bomb”

Nine years after 9/11, candidates are still exploiting fear for their own political gain, painting non-interventionism as isolationism and pushing the debunked myth that Iran is close to developing a nuclear bomb when our own CIA said that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program back in 2003.

During his term as Vice President, Cheney ”ordered“ the media to “sell” a war with Iran to the American people, believing it needed only 35-40 percent of public support to do so. Even under the Obama administration the drumbeat to attack Iran has continued. Afraid that the American right might realize once again that the concept of pre-emptive war is not a conservative one, Cheney has thrown himself back into the picture, attempting to steer voters towards candidates who will continue the American pursuit of empire in the Middle East and Eurasia, and create new wars for his cronies to profit from.


The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
