Thursday, December 17, 2009

How can the US be fascist if we have elections and the US Constitution? Ok, I'll explain…

Examiner | December 17, 2009
Carl Herman

US policy is fascist in unlawful Wars of Aggression, obvious torture, paper-thin propaganda to expand US war to Iran, blatant violation of international treaties with WMD, transfer of TRILLIONS of our tax dollars to financial elites, and corporate media prostitution service to propagandize the above facts to an awakening American public.

This assessment is objectively factual as political theory defines fascism. Res ipsa loquitur translates roughly into “the facts speak for themselves;” with the above list of documented facts as independently verifiable evidence proving beyond reasonable doubt American fascism in those defining areas of US government.
Let’s compare how a constitutional republic would respond in these crucial policies, then address the strongest arguments against the assertion of American fascism: popular elections and the presence of the US Constitution.
The constitutional republic Americans are promised, with Congress and Executive officers sworn to uphold:
A constitutional republic, in contrast to fascist current war policy, would honor US law and UN Security Council restraint to use our military only under the narrow legal definition of self-defense, mindful of the many lessons of history that war since WW2 kills civilians as the vast majority and up to 90% of the total death total (in Iraq, the total is over a million from all peer-reviewed independent studies).
A constitutional republic would have transparent procedures for treatment of detainees. Because the US is an unlawful invading force in Iraq and Afghanistan, any acts taken are unlawful; and just made worse through US torture. Of course American troops will be attacked by patriots defending their nation from invasion. To help imagine this, think what Americans would do if China invaded the US.
A constitutional republic would honor Iran’s treaty rights to nuclear energy, as we did when the US-installed Shah was our oil-friendly dictator. We would rationally conclude that the 40-year history of Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) nuclear energy had produced no problems of any nation refining fuel past energy-grade to weapons-grade. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections ensure nuclear fuel processing contains equipment only suitable for the lower-purity energy use, and monitor for verification.
North Korea’s complex history included missing fuel material, negotiated NPT settlement with a separate framework of verification with the US, and then President Bush declaring North Korea with two war targets of Iraq and Iran as “axis of evil” nations. When President Bush claimed North Korea was developing WMD and refused to verify North Korea’s framework compliance, North Korea considered the framework violated by the US and their national safety threatened equal to Iraq’s and Iran’s. Eight months later, North Korea admitted they were working on nuclear fuel enrichment for nuclear weapons (history here and here).
A constitutional republic would stand by Iran’s call for democracy with Palestinians, and act in the UN Security Council to fulfill the purpose of the UN of inalienable human rights for Palestinians and Israelis. We would not lie about Iran's president's statements for Palestinian rights as a threat to Israel's existence.
A constitutional republic would ensure universal treaty enforcement for nuclear, chemical, biological weapons, and would participate to eliminate land mines. Finally, a constitutional republic would promote the general welfare for open hearings to invite our best minds to come forward to articulate a US monetary system that benefits the public rather than a cartel of banks, provide full employment for reinvestment in American infrastructure, end the national debt, and honor our government’s word and the American public’s will to end US and global poverty forever by making the investment of 1% of our gross national income to do so.
American fascism is impossible because the US has elections, right?
Let’s look. First, we need to revisit a definition of fascism:
The definition of “fascism” has some academic variance, but is essentially collusion among corporatocracy, authoritarian government, and controlled media and education. This “leadership” is only possible with a nationalistic public accepting policies of war, empire, and limited civil and political rights.
The easiest way to pierce the illusion of American elections is to understand the end result of government is policy. If the defining policies are fascist, then the system producing them is causing fascist policies and best understood as a fascist political system. When fascist policies get the votes in Congress and approval by the president, either these professional politicians are choosing fascism, or can’t tell the difference between lawful and unlawful wars under the UN Charter, what defines torture, are overcome by propaganda regarding Iran, and blindly believe “leadership” to reject hearings to shovel trillions of our dollars to the same financial “leaders” who gambled their banks into insolvency.
Critical to American public understanding of the above paragraph is to invest the time to get to factual understanding of the issues discussed. If you care enough to be a responsible citizen, go back to the first two paragraphs of the article and explore the link until you’re confident of the independently verifiable facts on the topics that these US policies of war are unlawful under US law and the UN Charter. The transfer if trillions to banksters is legal, and clearly to the benefit of a corporatocracy and in direct opposition to banking for the public good as clearly expressed throughout US history by many of America’s brightest minds.
The facts do speak for themselves, if you have the intellectual integrity and moral courage to embrace them.

Full article HERE


The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
