Thursday, August 20, 2009


By R.C. Murray
August 19, 2009

“How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity?
and the scorners delight in their scorning,
and fools hate knowledge?”

--Proverbs 1:22

Obama the Fly-Slayer is right about one thing: America is no longer a Christian nation. Christians are no longer the majority in these Divided States of America. In fact, most Americans are little more than religious heathens who follow political preachers spewing out their socialist gospel, carefully crafted fables and vain philosophies.

Oh, I know an overwhelming majority claim to identify with the Christian religion, but it’s evident most Americans don’t know the Christ of the Bible. Would Jesus support the slaughter of babies? And yet, millions of Americans claiming to be his followers support humanist politicians who take pride in being on the abortion industry’s pay role. They disregard what the Bible says in Exodus 20:22-23, mockingly claiming the question of when life begins is too far above their pay grade. Such matters are spiritually discerned, I suppose, which is more evidence they’re spiritually dead.

Would Jesus – the one who created them male and female – support a perversion to the sacred institution he established? But again, millions of so-called Christians disregard the judgment of God and take pleasure in those who pervert the biblical concept of marriage. But it’s not enough to give the government’s blessing upon these unnatural unions; they want to forever silence those of us who believe the Bible and use our 1st Amendment right to vocally disapprove of their lifestyle.

The Bible is the key issue. Most Americans do not have a biblical worldview because most Americans have never read the Bible or even the New Testament. Most Americans rely totally on what they’ve heard some liberal, self-acclaimed spiritual expert tell them the Bible says. Besides, thanks to 150 years of public education, most Americans couldn’t read their dumbed-down versions of the Bible even if they wanted to.

I heard recently that less that 10 percent of Americans have a biblical worldview. In a nutshell, a biblical worldview says that regardless whether you think in your mind or feel in your heart a thing is right, if it’s contrary to the Bible, it’s wrong:

Christians with a biblical worldview believe every word of the 66 books that make up the Holy Bible are the inspired words of God; that God our Creator created the world in six, 24-hour days; that he destroyed it with a worldwide flood, saving only eight members of one family; that God himself became a man by being born of a virgin, only to die on the cross as the perfect sacrifice (payment) for our sins; that he arose from the dead so we who believe in him can have eternal life through his shed blood; that he sent his followers into the world to preach the gospel (good news), so no one has to go to hell if he or she only trusts Jesus as his personal savior; and that Jesus himself will be coming again soon to claim his bride (church) then judge the rest of the unbelieving world.

Yeah, that’s a lot to say in a few words, but it says so much more than biblically ignorant, pseudo-Christians can understand.

Rest assured though, there are folks who at least know what we believe and are already making preparations to cure us of our thoughtcrimes. The Hate Crimes Protection Act has nothing to do with protecting any supposedly-oppressed minority and everything to do with rounding up and eliminating those who disagree with the established church of America, the Church of Humanism. If you doubt it, explain why the National Guard has been advertising for “internment specialists.”

And what about those internment camps the government will not acknowledge despite evidence of them in remote areas like Oklahoma, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho and on military bases in this country, not Cuba, Iraq, Kuwait or Afghanistan? For whom do you suppose these camps were created?

Big brother is watching you “angry mob,” “un-American” types who attend tea parties and disrupt town hall meetings, where otherwise functionally illiterate Proles listen intently to the party line, gobbling up every lying word preached to them by their masters. Oh, and since Big Brother is watching you, you can expect one day he’s coming to get you to take you to his Ministry of Love.

For years, I’ve quoted or alluded to George Orwell’s prophetic book, Nineteen Eighty-Four, because he did predict one all-powerful nation would one day rule all English-speaking people. Orwell’s Oceania consisted of the United States and the United Kingdom. Did you know the Council on Foreign Relations has plotted for at least 90 years to establish just such a British-American Empire?

Orwell was right about desk top computer and surveillance cameras, both used by Big Brother today to keep tabs on us. And he was right about the Party’s purpose being to perpetuate itself. He was even right about the Party’s use of continual war with its “Support our Troops” campaign rallies, as well as shortages of everyday consumer items – all distractions meant to keep the ignorant masses from concentrating on what was really important, like their government controlling every aspect of their lives.

But I think he got it wrong about the Proles, the functionally illiterate majority that the Party used as cannon fodder in its continual state of war and as expendable labor in its factories and on its state farms. In his diary, Winston Smith said the only hope had to be found in the Proles. And yet, he admitted rebellion wound never come until the Proles became aware of their oppressed condition but that they’d never become aware of their condition until they rebelled. What Winston Smith and subsequently George Orwell failed to realize was that the Proles were the very source of the Party’s power. The combination of their great numbers and their willful ignorance was how the Party came to power and how it stayed in power. The same is true in this country today. We live in a Prole nation, not that Proles rule over us necessarily but their great numbers put those who do in power.

Again, I must emphasize if you asked them, the majority of America’s Proles will tell you they’re Christians, but as I said earlier, they don’t know God. They only know government.

Full article HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
