Saturday, April 25, 2009

Swine Flu - Has The Pandemic Hammer Dropped?

(the message below is from Natural Solutions Foundation . . . I am not posting this to frighten anyone, etc, but merely to put info out there for you to decide for yourself . . . these are people who have researched things of this nature for many years. . . . we do not want to believe that there are people in high places of authority that want a very large percentage of the world's population eliminated, even though there are countless statements indicating that it is true . . . anyway, here is the info . . .)

Natural Solutions Foundation

April 24, 2009 THIS Health Freedom Action eAlert IS LONG - AND COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE!


Note 1: Nano silver,, overcomes all known pathogens (that is, disease-causing organisms) against which it has been tested. Currently, I am aware of about 635 successful tests. I cannot tell you that it will deal with this weaponized virus, but I can tell you that if anything can, this virus can -- safely, without harming you, your children or pets...

Note 2: The information which appears at the end of this email was originally intended to be the sole subject of today's email blast. The appearance of a potential novel "Pandemic" virus meant that we had to cover that situation carefully and thoroughly first but the information is so relevant that we decided to add it to the end of the blast. I urge you to set aside some time in your overcrowded schedule to read this entire email from start to finish and then send it out with a request that your entire list do the same. I know that you are busy. But your immune system is your only defense against being overwhelmed with whatever is being brought to you by dedicated lunatics who literally want you and your family dead. Literally.

The Weaponized Flu Pandemic, WPF, Appears to Have Begun

"It first looked mostly like a swine virus but closer analysis showed it is a never-before-seen mixture of swine, human and avian viruses, according to the CDC."

"Don't be concerned", say the pundits of officialdom, "but this virus has killed 61 people in Mexico and has spread to the US." In Mexico, the victims have died while in the US they have not. I must assume that this is because their immune systems were in better shape. You will find specific information relating to that vital truth at the end of this message. Please take the time to read it all because it could save your life.

The article in Reuters goes on to say, "Because there is clearly human-to-human spread of the new virus, rising fears of a major outbreak, Mexico's government canceled classes for millions of children in its sprawling capital city and surrounding areas.

"Our concern has grown as of yesterday," U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acting director Dr. Richard Besser told reporters in a telephone briefing." but the CDC and WHO go on to note that you should not alter your travel plans even though they also say they think that there may be as many as 1000 cases in Mexico...

Eight people were infected with the new strain in California and Texas, but all of them have recovered. Mexico said it had close to 1,000 suspected cases there.

"The CDC's Besser said scientists were working to understand why there are so many deaths in Mexico when the infections in the United States seem mild. Worldwide, seasonal flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people in an average year, but the flu season for North America should have been winding down. The U.S. government said it was closely following the new cases. 'The White House is taking the situation seriously and monitoring for any new developments. The president has been fully briefed,' an administration official said. Mexico's government cautioned people not to shake hands or kiss when greeting or to share food, glasses or cutlery for fear of infection....The WHO said it was ready to use rapid containment measures if needed, including antivirals, and that both the United States and Mexico are well equipped to handle the outbreak. Both the WHO and the CDC said there was no need to alter travel arrangements in Mexico or the United States."

I believe, on the contrary, that you SHOULD alter you travel plans. If you have any means to, or reason to, or thoughts of, being outside the US and Mexico RIGHT NOW, do it. Get a ticket and get out. Why? Because the flu may not sicken or kill you, but the forced vaccinations very well may.

It has also been noted in officialdom that although there is no evidence that this year's seasonal flu would provide cross "protection," that "possibility" is being "studied."

5 will get you 10 that the official pronouncement comes forth that, indeed, this year's flu vaccine miraculously confers "protection" against this mystery disease and, aren't we lucky? We can all take the Seasonal Flu vaccine and get "protected". I will be literally astonished if that is not the thrust of this "investigation" of a "lucky coincidence".

Vaccines, an uninsurable risk, are damaging and deadly at the best of times and have never been proven either safe or effective, despite the near-religious fervor of their well-funded supporters. Despite the total lack of scientific evidence that the antibodies produced by an irritated immune system provide protection for people against what they were injected for, epidemics continue to occur primarily in vaccinated populations (just as Avian Flu continued to appear in vaccinated flocks living in industrial conditions). But epidemics make for great crowd control opportunities and for wonderful population reduction exercises.

If this "strange brew virus" is the beginning of the Pandemic we have been promised for so long, it will LITERALLY signal the end of our lives as we know them, or even the ending of our lives. The monsters intentionally working this scheme have said over and over that there WOULD be a Pandemic, that it COULD be any time. The Powers That Kill (PTK) decided some time ago that there were simply too many of us "Useless Eaters" and they have concocted several schemes to accomplish the culling to get rid of what the US Government, the UN, WHO and others have decided is "necessary" for a sustainable planet: 80-90% of us dead. Remember, information is appearing which says that the new virus is a "strange brew" of swine flu, avian flu and human flu. Such "Strange Brews" do not occur by themselves.

They occur in laboratories where mad men/women and their murderous gutless, spineless technicians and helpers assist them.

We have a warning to those who would perpetrate this horror: "just following orders" is not a defense to a charge of Crimes Against Humanity. You will be found out. You will be blamed. Just like the enlisted soldiers who were the scapegoats at Abu Grave, your superiors will disavow you and leave you hanging in the wind. Just like what may be about to happen to the NeoCon torturers of the last US Administration.

Two days ago, we heard rumblings of a mystery "Swine Flu" which was killing people in Mexico, but, not to worry! This was, the media soothed, not, repeat not, the start of a Pandemic. Yesterday we heard that there were now cases of this mystery disease in the US
and today, at 1:30 PM, Recombinomics Commentary, a virology journal, tells us that this IS the start of the Pandemic.

Click here - - for source articles and references.

But they also tell us that the gene sequences are totally novel and that such a virus has not been seen before. Not outside of a weapons virology laboratory, that is. If this engineered Pandemic does not fizzle as several recent attempts we've tracked, you are being set up for one of three events. If it does fizzle there WILL be another attempt after this one, and another and another... until they get what they are after: genocidal depopulation -- unless we stop these atrocities.

Here's what you are looking at in the very near future:

You will face either FEMA or the Department of Homeland Security running the country with:

1. Martial Law and forced vaccinations, if you accept them. These vaccine will have GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT in them (perhaps some of the same goodies that were used to sterilize 3,000,000+ women in the Philippines without their knowledge, according to the conviction handed down by the Philippine Supreme Court, or the ones that were used, starting in 1985 by the WHO, to make enough women sterile in Africa to "eliminate 150,000,000 excess Sub Saharan Africans") or something in there to make sure that you have the flu or develop leukemia from the known contaminating viruses permitted in vaccines by the FDA for decades, or poisonous aluminum, fluoride and mercury, or MSG, or, or....

2. Martial Law with forced internment for an indefinite period if you refuse the "treatment" or "prevention" offered to you. If you think that this internment will be for your good health and survival, guess again. The DOJ no doubt already has a Memo drafted that it is perfectly legal.

This is not conspiracy theory - this is conspiracy fact: there IS a conspiracy to kill you and yours. Disregard this information and warning at your own peril. What are the consequences if you are unable to incorporate this information and it is true? What are the consequences if you do deal with it and it turns out to false or the weaponized virus fails in its mission?

You can see pretty quickly that this is a time to act on the basis that it IS true and do a Monday Morning Quarterback session if it's not. If it is correct, and we fear it may be, then not acting on it can, quite simply, destroy you and yours.

Not convinced? Simply think about Baxter's contamination of seasonal flu vaccine with highly infective weaponized Avian Flu Virus - followed by no criminal investigation, no firings, nothing and add in the fact that Baxter was applying for a license to sell their new Avian Flu vaccine against the same strain found in the vaccines in the very same 18 countries and you cannot miss the conspiracy.

But time has run out to try to persuade people. Frankly, at this point, you either follow your intuition and get it or you do not.

You are about to read for yourself the way it is and if you can see it, fine. If you cannot, well, the consequences will be on your own head. But the cost of ignoring what you are about to read, and not sharing it, may be truly life-and-death horrendous. Let me add here that I pray to my God that this deadly attempt on our lives and our way of life fails as the other attempts we've documented have.


Some of the intentional plagues, like SARS, have fizzled miserably (or gloriously for us who do not wish to die). Avian Flu simply would not get off the ground - 64% of the chickens in Indonesia, for example, developed a gene which makes them immune to the novel, weaponized Avian Flu with which they have been injected!

The Wellcome Trust of drug giant Burroughs Wellcome/SmithKleinGlaxo recently handed out grants to figure out why the Avian Flu was NOT causing a pandemic. Highly pathogenic (disease-causing) agents went through several transmissions and, DANG!, they lost their punch so that Egyptian toddlers are, as a recent news article said, unexpectedly not dying.

The fact, however, that they were not dying of the Avian Flu was, in the bizarre and twisted logic of that writer, a cause for even greater concern (and more vaccinations?) because then people would spread it without dying and there would be more deaths. Say what? Logic is not a strong point of those who hire themselves out to TPK.

Laws have been put in place to allow the mere utterance of the word "Pandemic" by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to close the trap on anyone inside, entering or leaving the US, compelling vaccination or internment via martial law and other "emergency measures":

~ Accept either Mandatory Vaccination or involuntary internment ("quarantine") for an unspecified period of time. More than 630 camps, with a total capacity of close to 30 million people, have been built and staffed (Patriot Acts I, II, BARDA, State Emergency Medical Powers Acts in virtually every state make refusing a vaccine when called for by the Governor a felony offense punishable by immediate imprisonment).

~ Presidential Emergency Powers which authorize the stripping of your citizenship and habeas corpus rights and authorizing holding you as a suspected terrorist if you disagree with the system's desires (Executive Order, October 17, 2007). The Sec of HHS needs no scientific substantiation, no advice and consent from Congress, no validation from anyone. Just the magic word, "Pandemic!" CAN and WILL trigger Health Fascism such as we have never seen outside of the concentration camps of Germany. You see,

~ The Warren Commission Act (October 17, 2006), authorizes holding "suspected terrorists" [see above] without a trial or with a trial before a military tribunal but without legal representation, the right to confront one's accusers, the right to examine the evidence against you or be informed of the charges against you, and subjecting you to the possibility of a secret execution as a "suspected terrorist" while -

~ President Bush's Executive Order of October 17, 2006 cancels habeas corpus, the rights granted under the English Common Law System to not be kidnapped by the state without notifying people that you are being held, the right to legal representation, the right to a speedy trial, the right to know the charges against you, the right to examine the evidence being held against you, the right to face your accusers, the right, in short, to justice under the US Constitution. Gone.

Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning for some time that a bio-engineered, weaponized flu virus and/or weaponized flu vaccine is in the offing. See, for example, Intellegence Report on Weaponized Avia Flu,, Smoke and Mirrors… shards of truth - and Avian Flu "Accident" -

If you recall, it was the Natural Solutions Foundation which broke the Weaponized Flu story in July, 2008 and have followed it up vigorously with videos, on the radio and in writing since then.


An official in Indiana recently claimed that he had been briefed along with others that FEMA has a plan to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the US within 48 hours of the start of an official "Pandemic". While that is an enormous logistical task, given that battle veterans are in place "backing up" police departments throughout the nation, who knows what might be accomplished? Rounding up people, putting them in holding centers and administering these shots forcibly under armed guard as was done to the children of Prince George's County, MD, school district in November, 2007? You will recall that the State's Attorney in this action, Mr. Glenn Ivey, stated that his own young children were protected under an exemption in the state which he had filed for them because the vaccines were dangerous.

Could mercenaries who work for companies like Xe, the renamed Blackwater, the hundreds of thousands of foreign soldiers reported to be quartered in the US (despite the "outmoded" [according to President Obama] US Constitution's prohibition of such quartering) and newly retrained US and Canadian troops round people up and sort out the accepters from the refusers, shipping off the refusers to camps and jails prepared for them. No? Why not? After all, they would be indoctrinated to believe that you, unvaccinated, would pose a danger that the rest of us and therefore, if you were reluctant to do your duty for society and accept the vaccination, you would have to be removed from society. Can't happen? That's what the ghastly, inhuman and ineffective, but ever-burgeoning prison system is based upon. Precisely.

Given that in July of 2008, within 24 hours of each other, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security declared that their goal was to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the United States against the Avian Flu (now, of course, it would be the "Mysterious" Swine Flu), starting, as they so chillingly put it, with those who want it, there is no reason to think that this is not what lies in store for us.

My advice to you: DO NOT accept injections. Protect your immune system by starting a vigorous, but sensible, detoxification program NOW and by giving up any sort of packaged food that is not labeled organic and GMO free. Read the information below on how to do that with safe, clean and effective products which also provide support to the Natural Solutions Foundation so that we can continue fighting for you and your rights.

Here are some Links to recent Stories/Opinions/Commentaries about the Swine Flu Pandemic (thanks to mainly Jeff Rense's website).

Fear, Anger, Fatalism Over Swine Flu In Mexico
Mexico Swine Flu Deaths Spur Global Epidemic Fears
Possible Swine Flu Outbreak At NYC Prep School
Mexican Swine Flu - An Advanced Biowar Event?
Swine Flu Matches NO Known Strains
How Swine Flu Spreads In Humans
New Spanish Flu Variant & Navy Experiment At Border?
Something Wicked This Way Comes
US 'Very Concerned' About Swine Flu Outbreak
60 Swine Flu Deaths In Mexico Suspected
Swine Flu Clusters In CA, TX Raise Concerns
H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Has Started

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
